Privacy Policy

At WhereToSpin New Zealand, we value your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data. This policy explains how we handle your information when you visit our website and outlines your privacy rights and legal protections.


WhereToSpin NZ is responsible for the operation of this website. If you have questions about our privacy policy or wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at info[at]

Types of User Information We Collect:

We collect different types of data based on your interactions with us. This may include:

  • Personal Data: Information you voluntarily provide via the website or email. Rest assured, you’re not required to share sensitive data to use our website.
  • Non-Personal Data: Details about your website visits, including traffic data, IP addresses, and more.
  • Demographic Information: Such as age, gender, and location.
  • Survey Data: Information from voluntary surveys on topics like user experiences and preferences.
  • Content of Messages: Feedback and other messages submitted via website forms.
  • Public Postings: Comments or reviews you submit to be displayed publicly on the website.
  • User Preferences: Such as preferred games or pages.

We only collect User Information with your consent, as required by data protection regulations.

Scope of This Policy:

This policy applies to your interactions with our website and does not cover information collected by WhereToSpin through other means or by third parties.

Automated Data Collection:

We collect data on how you interact with WhereToSpin, your device and software, and details about your connection. We may use technologies like cookies to gather and store this information.

Purpose of Data Processing:

We process User Information for the following purposes:

  • Responding to Your Inquiries/Requests: When you reach out to us, we use your information to provide timely responses.
  • Enhancing Website Content and Operation: We continuously improve our website based on user interactions and feedback.
  • Internal Record Keeping: Maintaining essential records to ensure seamless operations.
  • User Research and Analysis: Understanding user preferences and behavior to enhance their experience.
  • Customizing the Website: Tailoring our website to match user interests.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Fulfilling any legal obligations that apply.
  • Promoting Offers and Information: Sharing special offers, new products, and services, provided you’ve consented and shared your email.
  • Other Legal Reasons: Utilizing information as permitted by law.

Change of Purpose:

We will only use User Information for the purposes for which we collected it, unless there’s a valid reason compatible with the original purpose. Please note that we may process User Information without your knowledge or consent when required or permitted by law.

Retention of User Information:

User Information will be deleted:

  • Once it’s no longer needed for the original purpose.
  • Upon your request for data deletion, unless legal obligations require us to retain it.

Sharing and Disclosing User Information:

We may share User Information with third parties within the United Kingdom:

  • When required by law.
  • To ensure proper website operation, including customer service, marketing assistance, and more.
  • When there’s another legitimate interest.

In certain cases, we may need to provide User Information in response to a court order or government investigation. We may also share information to enforce our policies, comply with laws, protect our interests, or in case of business changes, mergers, or similar events.

The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, including legal rights protection and business risk management.

When User Information is shared with third parties, they are bound by the same data protection obligations as us. Access to User Information is restricted to employees, agents, and third-party providers on a need-to-know basis.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection:

We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). We do not knowingly collect or maintain identifying information from anyone under 13 years of age, except as permitted by law. If you believe your child under 13 has provided personal data, please contact us to have it deleted.

Legal Rights for Website Users:

We respect your data protection rights. If you consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you have the following rights:

  • Access to Personal Information: You may request access to your data.
  • Correction of Personal Information: You can correct or amend inaccurate information.
  • Deletion of Personal Information: You may request data deletion unless legal obligations require retention.
  • Revocation of Consent: You can revoke consent, understanding that this may affect service provision where consent is necessary.

For specific rights in the EU, UK, and California, please contact us at info[at]

Cookies usage on the Website:

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your website experience. Cookies collect non-personal information about your visit, like browser type, IP address, and page interactions. We use aggregated data to improve the website.

You can disable/enable cookies in your browser settings, but it may affect website features.

If you disagree with this Privacy Policy, please discontinue using the Website.